Incorporating elements of Feng Shui into office design can do wonders for a space, making it a place of focus and success.
Incorporating elements of Feng Shui into office design can do wonders for a space, making it a place of focus and success. Feng Shui literally translates to “wind water” in English. It’s specifically organizing and arranging a space to help positive energy flow and negative energy be deflected. Here are some elements of this philosophy that you can incorporate into your office design.
Face the Door
If possible, face the door of a room. This is key for energy flow. Turning your back to the door of your office can represent turning your back on opportunities for success, and according to the principles of Feng Shui, invites in negative energy.
Put Your Desk In A Powerful Position
Where you put your desk in your office is key. It should be in the furthest corner opposite the door or entrance. This will invite success.
Keep Your Entryway Clean
Don’t let clutter block the entrance or doorway of your space. First impressions are everything, and the first step anyone takes into your space of work should be a positive reflection on you.
Organic and Thoughtful Accessories Are Key
Don’t leave your walls blank, stark, and impersonal. Opt for art or cherished pictures and objects that are workplace appropriate. Having things you like in your office, or that evoke fond memories, will help to boost the overall positivity and enjoyment you get out of your space. Add organic elements to your space, like live plants, to literally breathe life and energy into your space. Thriving green plants bring the energy of wealth, success, and fresh starts.
A cluttered office is not only unpleasant from a Feng Shui standpoint, but functionally. It is hard to be efficient in a work space which is cluttered and unfocused. This can make it difficult to find important tools, papers, documents, and other things you need. A clean and well organized office is a no brainer energetically, aesthetically, and functionally.
Office Furniture from Glover Furniture
Looking to create a better office? Glover Furniture can help. Glover Furniture and Design Group is a woman-owned and operated business that serves the Delmarva region with educational, institutional, and commercial furniture and design services. For information on how we can optimize your office design, give us a call at 1-800-966-9016 or contact us online. To see examples of our work and stay in touch, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and Pinterest.