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Why is a Well-Designed Office Space So Important?

Well-Designed Office

A well-designed office space can make a huge impact on your business.

The right office space can completely transform the way that clients, workers, and you see your business. Unfortunately, many offices suffer from cluttered interior design, mismatched furniture, and lackluster décor. Here are some of the many reasons why a well-designed office space is critical to your organization.

You Can Never Make a Second First Impression

First impressions carry a lot of weight, and you definitely want to show your best side to potential clients visiting your office. If your office is cluttered, with stacks of paper and pens littering every surface, clients will assume your work reflects that lack of organization. If you have a well-designed office that is attractive and neatly put together, potential clients will assume that you put the same attention to detail in your work.

Increase Your Productivity

An office that is well-designed will help encourage your workers to take better care of the space and foster more productivity. It might seem silly, but basic things like lighting, desk chairs, ambient noise, and desk shapes can have a massive impact on the amount of work that your workers are able to do. A well-designed office is also the perfect way to have consistent branding across the board and reflect your company values every day.

Reduce the Amount of Waste

The biggest difference between a poorly-designed office and a well-designed office is the level of organization. Organization allows you to always see what you have on hand and reduces buying extra or unnecessary items. As a result, you will lower the amount that you spend on office supplies and always know what you have and what you need. Workers will spend less time searching for the right file or paper and increase their productivity as well.

Ready to Transform Your Office Design?

American Design Associates, Inc. is a furniture dealer and design firm serving clients throughout the Mid-Atlantic region. We strive to ensure that every customer ends up with the office design and furniture to help their business run for years to come. We have the expertise and resources to help you get your move off to a great stress-free start. Visit us online to see what we can do for you, or give us a call at (410) 823-5500. To see examples of our work and get more advice on furnishing your office space, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and Google+.

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